Backstage Bath Shoot 2
Video No : 52
Jan and Teya
The second half of my HOT bath with Teya. Please excuse the flashing of the lights, this was videoed during a shoot, however as you can see the guys pretty much left us to enjoy ourselves, so it works well on video.
Backstage Bath Shoot - 1
Video No : 51
Jan and Teya
Rob and I had spent the afternoon and evening with Teya and her fella. We had been out for a drink and that is VERY obvious from this video. Teya's guy did the video and its a little shakey in parts, but that just adds to the impromptu nature of this shoot. I laugh when I look back over this video .. lol, but it was still damned sexy !!
Video No : 50
Jan Burton and Chris
Chris was unwell, and doctors order were that he was to stay in bed and behave himself. Well you know the male sex .. boys will be boys and he just couldn't resist the porn. So I figured it was better that he got it from me, at least that wsaa I was in control ;-)
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