Sensual Sex |
Video No : 53 |
Jan and Georgina |
It's been a while sinceI featured Georgina on the site, but Rob has unearthed some very sexy video of us together. This was taken at our apartment in Nottingham, and Rob filmed from above. Great stuff !
Three Girl Fun in Wales |
Set No : 133 |
Jan, Lala and Rebekah Dee |
After Rob was cleared of his cancer, and we got the all clear, we decided it was high time for a relaxing fun break with friends. Our usual crowd go together and we rented a stone cottage in Wales. Lots of fun was had by everyone .. and on the last night this shoot took place. We were all getting very drunk, and by the end of the shoot it was mayhem. Rob had to delete nearly half the pictures because we were fooling around too much. lol xxx
Jan and Jennifer |
This is Jennifer who you've already seen with me in a HOT video. This photo set of us in bed together was taken on the same day. You can't get too much of a good thing.
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