Sunlight and Voile
Set No : 154
When we first had the pleasure of working with Emmie, Rob and I lived in a cool apartment in Nottingham. We had a large lounge/dining room with a full width 20 foot high south facing window. Here Emmie demonstrates the effectiveness of the afternoon Sunlight through the voile.
Gentle Fireplace Strip
Set No : 153
This is the delightfully curvy Blue, who I had the pleasure of introducing to Girl Girl sex. Oh what a wicked woman I am,but you know I can't resist those young bi-virigins. In this set Blue performs a gentle and revealing strip for us.
Soapy Shower
Video No : 62
A nice warm, soapy shower always gets me hot (no pun intended). So in this video you can see me "warming" up in the shower, then having to finish the job. Fun times.
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