Sexy Soapy Car Wash
Set No : 156
Just after I became pregnant at our last house in Lincoln, it was a warm sunny day and I wandered out to wash my little car. Rob - as usual - grabbed his camera and these are the results. I couldn't get really naughty not even get my boobs out as we lived on a family estate. But I'm sure you'll enjoy these pics, as a couple of the local builders did.
Silver Teddy, Shaved Puss
Set No : 155
These were take a few years ago, you can see how much heavier I was then. Rob reckons I looked better because of my curves. Anyway I hope you enjoy these and my shaved Puss !!
Bedtime Voyeur
Video No : 63
Jan and Rebekah Dee
Jen and her boyfriend stayed over one weekend. The guys had gone downstairs to make breakfast and left us girlies in bed, what I didn't know is that Rob had crept back up again with a video camera. This is what he saw !
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