Denim Playsuit in Wales |
Set No : 138 |
Jan Burton |
Another set from our trip to Wales, this time outside in my Denim Playsuit. Fortunately we were pretty isolated so we could do lots of stuff outside .. problem was it was pretty cold, as you can see from the later pictures !!
Piano Teacher Seductress 1 |
Video No : 57 |
Jan and Tabbi |
Tabbi is a VERY sensual young lady, and naturally hairy too. This video has me teaching her how to play the piano . .Rob was cheeky enough to video it, so I sent him on his way. However, he's a sneaky bugger and once we were engrossed in each other, we didn't care. (Sorry about the low quality)
Jan Burton |
A short set. Rob snook up on me while I was ironing topless. It's not somthing I do very often, but feeling chilled and relaxed in my own home we girls do these things. So of course my eagle eyed hubby grabbed his camera ..here are the results.
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