Young model seduction
Set No : 142
Jan and Bonita
Bonita. .. dear sweet innocent Bonita, who kissed me for the first time in this set, and kissed a girl for the first time .. in this set. I couldn't wait to get my hands on those HUGE breasts. whilst new to kissing a girl, was absolutely at ease with it, which only re-affirms my belief that 90% of girls are bi-sexual to some degree or other. Often they just need a helping hand .. ahem !!
Webcam Party
Video No : 59
Fairy, Jan, Lala, Reb Dee
Boy did we have fun this evening. All the girls got together to perform as a foursome on Webcam. Before the show, Rob and the guys grabbed their camera's and cancorders and us girls just had some fun .. lots of fun. There's isn't much beats 4 pussies.
Pregnant at 23 Weeks
Set No : 141
Jan Burton
Rob and I were at a friend apartment while shooting with Abi Toyne (who will appear on the site at a later date). While Abi was changing, Rob asked me to pose naturally .. this is the best I could do lol. No makeup, just me and my little one inside me.
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