Cream Corset - Part 2
Set No : 162
Here are the rest of the images of me in my fabulous Cream Corset. Rob did wonderful things with the light in this set, he really excelled himself. It's a lovely corset, but perhaps its better off than on !!
Bath in a Hotel
Video No : 66
This video was shot just after I had my boobs enhanced a few years ago. You can see they haven't settled down yet, so my apologies. Here Rob and I were staying in a Guest house just outside Bath in England while on a sight seeing weekend.
Cream Corset
Set No : 161
My absolute favourite corset (well at the moment my ONLY corset lol). I wore this outfit to the London Erotica show in 2007, and I was approached by around 20 people asking where I'd bought it. COOL !
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