Spacehoppers |
Set No : 202 |
Jan and Rachel Sykes |
Just after Rob and I met, we went on a Photography trip to the Algarve in Portugal. The idea is for a number of photographers (usually amateurs) to finance half a dozen models to fly out and all stay at a villa for a week. Lots of photos are taken and generally a lot of fun too. Here's me and Rachel fooling around with Spacehoppers beside the pool. Rob is amongst the 6 or so photographers taking snaps.
Desert Boulders |
Set No : 201 |
Jan Burton |
While on vacation in the USA we stayed with a friend in East LA, close to the Joshua Tree national park. These photos were taken after a full day shooting and exploring in the desert, we were on our way home and found some great rocks to catch the late afternoon son.
Caught in a Web - Part 2 |
Set No : 200 |
Jan and Jane |
Second half of the Red head and the Blonde !
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