First Encounter
Video No : 79
Jan and Kelly Hart
This is the first encounter (sexual) that I had with Kelly Hart. Filmed in Kelly's bedroom after Rob and I had spent the night there. I couldn't resist waking Kelly up in a naughty way and Rob followed me .. Kelly's hubby watched with a hug grin on his face. After this initimate liason we became close friends and now share texts daily as both our pregnancies progress towards completion.
Set No : 230
Jan Burton
Here are some great photos of me at about 6 months pregnant with my second child. As you can see we called in the services of a make up artist for this shoot. Also as you can see I had just had my puss recently shaved .. I can't remember if it was Rob or Kelly.
Behind the Scenes
Set No : 228
Lara Lee
This is a combination of me filming Rob and Lara Lee during a stills shoot, and Rob shooting Lara Lee and me during a video shoot. Either way its fun.
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